Twenty five participants representing the disaster management units of the states of Andhra Pradesh, Assam, Bihar, Gujarat, Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, West Bengal, Orrisa, Tripura, Madhya Pradesh, Uttrakhand, Jammu & Kashmir and Chattisgarh has come together to discuss and share their future course of action for the ensuing floods in the coming weeks. During the meeting DM planning guidelines, analysis of hazards and vulnerabilities and sectoral responsibilities shall also be discussed.
All the participants are enthusiastic and eagerly expecting the meeting to provide them a platform for sharing their experiences and learning about new tools of flood response. Mr. Shamul Baran Mukherjee, SDRT leader, State Branch of West Bengal shared that there are 32 SDRT members in the State. They have already initiated community contingency planning in 2007 at the village level. Quoting an example he said that the SDRT members have mapped the pumps available in the community that may be used to draw water from the dwelling areas to keep water borne diseases away. |