Open Vacancies
Engagement of Chartered Accountant for Audit of Donations received In Kind and relief items procured by IRCS, National Headquarters
Last date of application: 15 April, 2025
Applications are invited for Medical Officer (Blood Centre): No of Post – Two (2), Medical Lab Technologist (MLT): No of Post – Two (2), Junior Medical Lab Technologist (JMLT): No of Post – Two (5), Nurse (Blood Centre): No of Post –(2)
Last date of application: 04 April, 2025
Closed Vacancies
Invitation of application for the post of "Treasurer" of IRCS, NHQ [Closed]
Last date of application: 12 March, 2025
Inviting applications from eligible officers from Central/ Delhi NCR/ Govts or their PSUs or Autonomous Bodies for filling up one post of Deputy Secretary and one post of Under Secretary both on deputation basis in the IRCS, New Delhi Headquarters [Closed]
Last date of application: 04 March, 2025
Invitation of application for the post of "Treasurer" of IRCS, NHQ [Closed]
Last date of application: 13 December, 2024
Invitation of application for the post of "Internal Auditor" of IRCS, NHQ [Closed]
Last date of application: 12 December, 2024
Inviting applications from eligible officers from Central/ Delhi NCR/ Govts or their PSUS or Autonomous Bodies for filling up one post of Deputy Secretary and one post of Under Secretary both on deputation basis at IRCS, NHQ [Closed]
Last date of application: 24 December, 2024
Engagement of 6 young professionals at Indian Red Cross Society, NHQ, New Delhi in field of [Closed]
1) Estate management
2) Procurement and Contract Management
3) Coordination of Statutory and other meetings
4) Branch Coordination
5) Quality Control Management (Blood Centre)
6) Public Relations
Last date of application: 09 December, 2024
[Click here for details]
Invitation of application for the post of "Civil Engineer" from Government officers retired at the level of Assistant Engineer or Executive Engineer [Closed]
Last date of application: 23 August, 2024
Invitation of application for the post of "Law officer" from Government officers retired at the level of Section Officer or Under Secretary or Deputy Secretary [Closed]
Last date of application: 09 August, 2024
Applications are invited for one post of Deputy Secretary and one post of Under Secretary both on deputation basis at Indian Red Cross Society, New Delhi headquarters [Closed]
Last date of application: 31 May, 2024
Inviting applications for the post of "Officer on Special Duty" from Government Officers retired at the level of Director or Deputy Secretary [Closed]
Last date of application: 15 March, 2024
Applications are invited for one post of Deputy Secretary and one post of Under Secretary on deputation basis in Indian Red Cross Society, New Delhi headquarters [Closed]
Last date of application: 26 February, 2024
Engagement of young professionals at Indian Red Cross Society, New Delhi headquarters in the field of (1) Personnel & Administration (HR), (2) Civil Engineer/Estate Management, (3) Project Planning & Execution, (4) Legal matters, including handling of RTIs, (5) Disaster Management, (6) Resource mobilization, (7) International Desk [Closed]
Last date of application: 26 February, 2024
Applications are invited for the post of Joint Secretary at IRCS National Headquarters, New Delhi. [Closed] Envelopes, superscribed with, ‘Application for the post of Joint Secretary’, be sent by post or by email at, with a detailed CV as per the required eligibility conditions to the Secretary General, IRCS.
[ Eligibility Conditions and Job Profile for the post of Joint Secretary, IRCS ]
The last date for receipt of applications is 22 December, 2023
Notice inviting applications for contractual engagement on honorarium basis [Closed]
Last date of application: 07 December, 2023
Applications invited for 1 post each of Staff Nurse and Lab Technician [Closed]
Last date of application: 18 October, 2023. Extended to 12 Nov 2023
Notice inviting applications for contractual engagement on honorarium basis
Last date of application: 06 October, 2023 [Closed]
Applications are invited for Medical Officer (Blood Centre): No of Post – Two (2), Staff Nurse (Blood Centre): No of Post –(1), Laboratory Technician (Blood Centre): No. of Post – One (1), Counselor (Blood Centre): No. of Post–One (1) Click here for details [Closed]
Last Date of Application - 17 February, 2023
Medical Officer (Blood Centre): No of Post – One (1) – Contractual and Staff Nurse (Blood Centre): No. of Post – One (1) - Contractual [Closed]
Date of Publication - 17 June 2022
Last Date of Application - 08 July, 2022
Scope of Work, Terms and Conditions and eligibility for the Application for Statutory Auditor
Application closing date: 15 November 2021 [Closed]
The firms should be empanelled with Comptroller & Auditor General of India for 3 years. The firm must write its total remuneration expected in the quote. Click here to download detailed scope of work, term and conditions, and eligibility. Applications alongwith the quotation for consolidated fees for the Statutory Audit work per year, in a sealed envelope, complete in all respects superscribed “APPLICATION FOR STATUTORY AUDITOR” must reach on/or before 15th November 2021 addressed to Secretary General, Indian Red Cross Society, National Headquarters, 1-Red Cross Road, New Delhi-110001
The firms which have applied earlier and there is no change in their quote, may kindly send the confirmation about it in their mail.
Medical Officer (Blood Centre): No of Post – One (1) – Contractual [Closed]
Laboratory Technician (Blood Centre): No. of Post – One (1) –Contractual [Closed]
Staff Nurse (Blood Centre): No. of Post – Two (2) - Contractual [Closed]
Application Closing Date: 06 January 2021
Medical Officer
Age Limit: 35 years as on the last date of application.
Essential Qualification: Degree in Medicine (MBBS) from a recognized University.
Desirable Qualification:
(a) Degree in Medicine (M.B.B.S) having minimum 01 year experience of working in Blood Centre and also has adequate knowledge and experience in blood group serology, blood group methodology and medical principles involved in the procurement of blood or preparation of its components or both; or
(b) Degree in Medicine (M.B.B.S) with Diploma in Clinical Pathology or Diploma in Pathology and Bacteriology with six months experience in a licensed Blood Centre; or
(c) Degree in Medicine (M.B.B.S) with Diploma in Transfusion Medicine; or
Diploma in Immunohematology or Blood Transfusion with three months experience in a licensed Blood Centre; or
(d) Doctor of Medicine Pathology or Diploma of National Board Pathology with three months experience in a licensed Blood Centre; or
(e) Postgraduate degree in Transfusion Medicine – Doctor of Medicine Transfusion Medicine or Diplomate of National Board Transfusion Medicine, Doctor of Medicine immunohematology and Blood Transfusion.
(f) Good command over verbal and written English, interpersonal skills and working knowledge of computers.
Salary: Rs.80, 000/- per month inclusive of all allowances – fixed
Laboratory Technician
Age Limit: 30 years as on the last date of application.
Essential Qualification:
Eligible: Passed HS (10+2) Examination with Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics/Biological Science before obtaining diploma or degree.
Desirable Qualification:
(a) Diploma in Medical Laboratory Technology (DMLT) or Transfusion Medicine or Blood Centre Technology after 10+2 with one year experience in the testing of blood and /or its components in licensed Blood Centre; or
(b) Degree in Medical Laboratory Technology (MLT) or Blood Centre Technology with six months experience in the testing of blood and /or its components in licensed Blood Centre; or
(c) B.Sc. in Hematology Transfusion Medicine with six months experience in the testing of blood and or/its components in licensed Blood Centre; or
(d) M.Sc. in Transfusion Medicine with six months experience in the testing of blood and/ or its components in licensed Blood Centre; or
(e) Post Graduate Diploma in Medical Laboratory Technology (PGDMLT), Postgraduate Diploma in Medical Laboratory Science (PGDMLS) with six-month experience in the testing of blood and / or its components in a licensed Blood Centre.
Salary: Rs.18,000/- per month inclusive of all allowances – fixed
Staff Nurse
Age Limit: 30 years as on the last date of application.
Essential Qualification: Completed GNM (General Nursing Midwifery) training course from an Institute recognized by the Indian Nursing Council/Delhi Nursing Council.
Desirable Qualification: GNM with experience of least 2 years with phlebotomy in a hospital/blood Centre/biochemistry/pathology laboratory.
Salary: Rs.18,000/- per month inclusive of all allowances – fixed
The posts are purely temporary on contractual basis on consolidated salary. The services shall be liable to termination at any time by either side, on one-month notice. The appointment is for one year. The tenure can be extended based on performance and need for the position.
Application (with NOC from the present employer) supported with the attested testimonials & a passport size photograph should reach in sealed & superscribed envelop to the undersigned by 19th November, 2020.
The Secretary General,
National Headquarters
1-Red Cross Road, New Delhi - 110001
Appointment of Honorary Legal Advisor [Closed]
Indian Red Cross Society is a humanitarian organization and a part of the International Red Cross & Red Crescent Movement. Under the provisions of Rule 5(12) of the Indian Red Cross Society Rules 1994, framed under the Indian Red Cross Society Act 1920, the Society is to appoint a Honorary Legal Advisor to advise it on its legal affairs.
Expression of Interest is invited in sealed superscripted envelop from Senior Advocates/Legal firms practicing in the Supreme Court of India, who may be willing to voluntarily offer their time to advise the IRCS(NHQ)on its legal matters. A letter of Expression of Interest (EOI) including detailed profile of the individual/firm may be sent to the undersigned latest by 30th November, 2020. Those who have applied earlier need not apply again and their application shall be considered.
Job Description | Application format
Application Closing Date: 8th June 2020
Indian Red Cross Society (IRCS), established under the Parliament Act XV of 1920, is the largest statutory humanitarian organization that works as auxiliary to the Government and Armed Forces Medical Services. It contributes to saving lives and protecting livelihoods, provides relief in times of disasters and other emergencies. The Hon’ble President of India is the President of the Society and the Hon’ble Union Minister for Health & Family Welfare, Govt. of India is the Chairman of the Society.
It is proposed to use the expertise of retired officials, who are based in Delhi and are willing to work on contract basis for the position of 'Project Officer' on a consolidated (all inclusive) salary (negotiable, based on available funding, expertise & experience of the incumbent).
Accordingly, applications are invited from retired officers of the Ministries/Departments under Government of India, in PSUs in the enclosed format for contractual appointment in the Indian Red Cross Society, National Headquarters with expertise in finance, audit and project management :
2. (I) Officers should not have attained 64 years of age on the last date of receipt of application;
(II) He/she should be in sound health
(III) He/she should not be an accused in any pending inquiry and should be of impeccable integrity.
(IV) The assignment shall be for six months.
3. The willing and eligible retired officers may submit the application in the prescribed form along with self attested testimonials /certificates in support of their candidature to the Secretary General, Indian Red Cross Society, National Headquarters, 1-Red Cross Road, New Delhi-110001 by 8th June 2020.
4. The appointment is for retired officers/ officials, who want to work on contract basis. However, engaged incumbent may exit the contract after giving 30 days notice. Similarly, IRCS may also dis-engage any incumbent after giving 30 days notice.
5. IRCS reserves the right to accept/ reject any /or all applications received in response to this notice without assigning any reason.
6. The working hours of selected incumbent shall be from 9.30 am to 6 pm. However, in times of need one has to work beyond office hours and on weekends/holidays as well.
7. Excepting weekends and Gazetted holidays, they will not be entitled for any other leave except two days leave per month, which will not be encashable.
Inviting applications for Hon. Legal Advisor of IRCS, NHQ [Closed]
Date of advertisement 29 October, 2019
Closing Date 18 November 2019
Indian Red Cross Society is a humanitarian organization and member of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement. Under the provision of Rule 5(12) of the Indian Red Cross Society Rules 1994, framed under the Indian Red Cross Society Act, 1920, the Society is to appoint a Honorary Legal Advisor to advise it on its legal affairs.
Expression of Interest is invited in sealed superscribed envelop from Senior Advocates/Legal firms practicing in the Supreme Court of India, who may be willing to voluntarily offer their time to advise the IRCS (NHQ) on its legal matters. A letter of Expression of Interest (EOI) including detailed profile of the individual/firm may be sent to the Secretary General, Indian Red Cross Society at 1-Red Cross Road, New Delhi latest by 18th November, 2019. Those who have applied earlier need not apply again and their application shall be considered.
Last Date of sending application has been extended to 08 November, 2019
Applications are invited from retired officers (not below the rank of Section Officers in GoI) of the Ministries/Departments under Government of India, or its equivalent officer in PSUs in the enclosed format for contractual engagement in the Indian Red Cross Society, National Headquarters . Click here for details
Admissions for 28th batch of HP course through Ayurveda and Yoga [Closed]
Last date for applying: 03 November, 2019
The 28thbatch will commence on 19th November, 2019. The course will be held on Tuesday and Thursday from 06-08 pm at DMC building of Indian Red Cross Society, 1 Red Cross Road, New Delhi. Personal discussion, if required, will be held on 05 November, 2019. Candidates who have applied earlier and were not selected, will need to apply again. The list of successful candidates for 28th batch shall be displayed on the notice board of DMC on 07 November, 2019 at Red Cross Building, 1 Red Cross Road, New Delhi -110001. (Ph: 011-23716916).
Click here to view details
Vacancy notice for First Aid Advisor – Delhi [Closed]
Last Date of sending application: 30 June 2019
The First Aid Advisor would be Consultant of ICRC seconded to the Indian Red Cross Society (IRCS).
The Indian Red Cross Society is a voluntary humanitarian organisation with a network of more than 1100 branches & units throughout the country, providing relief in times of disasters/emergencies and promoting a range of long-term services in areas such as health & care, disaster risk reduction, social inclusion, youth and volunteering.
The primary purpose of the First Aid Advisor will coordinate and support First Aid Programme volunteers to provide First Aid to the wounded and sick in the vulnerable communities with the objective to enhance community resilience in the times of emergencies.
Your responsibilities and main tasks:
- Develop networking and maintaining with the First Aid Emergency Response Volunteers, Master Trainers and community stake holders.
- Support branches for First Aid service delivery of wounded and sick due to emergency.
- Responsible to implement action-oriented community based First Aid programme (including SERV, Youth, FAST) supported by IRCS, National Headquarter.
- Support the state branches in preparation and implementation of Emergency Contingency Plan.
- Support the state branches in developing, updating and implementing the Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) for First Aid programme.
- Support for developing Plan of Action for the IRCS State branches and National Headquarter.
- Responsible to support community based First Aid programme following project cycle management including assessment, planning, implementation, monitoring & evaluation and reporting of the programme activities.
- Implementation of accreditation for IRCS, National Headquarter First Aid trainings.
- Experience of conducting need assessment of the communities during the disasters / emergencies preferably for the pre-hospital care needs.
- Coordination for community based First Aid programme with the IRCS, State branches
- Conducting monthly coordination meeting with the state branches and the annual meeting review meeting.
- Documentation of minutes of meetings, trainings and field visits etc.
- Report of the programme implementation and assessment based on indicators.
- Filing of the programme documents under the guidance of the competent authority.
- Support the First Aid related procurement as per the budget availability and IRCS National Headquarter polices.
- Financial management for timely release of funds and settlements.
- Logistic arrangement for the First Aid trainings and workshop.
Required Qualification & Experience:
- Graduate degree with any discipline preferable in health discipline from a recognized university.
- Minimum 5-years’ experience in community-based health programme.
- Experience of conducting need assessment of the communities during disaster.
- Experience of community based First Aid Programme and Trainings.
- Candidates who have worked in the Red Cross movement or similar organization will be preferred.
- Well versed to use the computer and use software like MS office etc.
Personal Profile:
- Should possess excellent analytical and interpersonal skills
- Integrity and high standard of personal conduct
- Oral and written fluency in English language.
- Should possess good skills in PR, public speaking, negotiation & networking.
- Available for extensive field visits and willing to work in difficult zone.
ICRC is an Equal Opportunity Employer that values and respects the importance of a diverse and inclusive workforce. We recognise that diversity and inclusion is a driving force in the success of our organisation. We offer rewarding and enriching work in a humanitarian and international environment to all job applicants with no discrimination on the grounds of gender, race and disability.
Qualified applicants are requested to submit their motivation letter, comprehensive CV, work certificates and salary expectations, on DEL_HR_SERVICES@ICRC.ORG
Tenure of Contract: The initial contract will be until 31 Dec 2019, and subject to renewal of project and performance.
Position open to Indian Nationals Only
Last Date of sending application: 30 June 2019
Only short-listed candidates will be contacted.
Inviting applications for Hon. Legal Advisor of IRCS, NHQ [Closed]
Date of advertisement 11 June, 2019
Closing Date 01 July 2019
Indian Red Cross Society is a humanitarian organization and member of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement. Under the provision of Rule 5(12) of the Indian Red Cross Society Rules 1994, framed under the Indian Red Cross Society Act, 1920, the Society is to appoint a Honorary Legal Advisor to advise it on its legal affairs.
Expression of Interest is invited in sealed superscribed envelop from Senior Advocates/Legal firms practicing in the Supreme Court of India, who may be willing to voluntarily offer their time to advise the IRCS (NHQ) on its legal matters. A letter of Expression of Interest (EOI) including detailed profile of the individual/firm may be sent to the Secretary General, Indian Red Cross Society at 1-Red Cross Road, New Delhi latest by 1st July, 2019.
Vacancy notice for Communications Manager – Delhi [Closed]
Last Date of sending application: 22 April 2019
The ICRC Regional Delegation in New Delhi seeks to fill the position of Communications Manager. The communications manager would be Consultant of the ICRC seconded to the Indian Red Cross Society (IRCS).
The Indian Red Cross Society is a voluntary humanitarian organisation with a network of more than 1100 branches & units throughout the country, providing relief in times of disasters/emergencies and promoting a range of long-term services in areas such as health care, disaster risk reduction, social inclusion, youth and volunteering.
Working under the direct supervision of the Joint Secretary, IRCS in close coordination with the International Federation of the Red Cross (IFRC) and the ICRC and guided by the new strategic development plan, the primary purpose of the Communications Manager would be to establish and implement relevant strategies and build and maintain the image of the Indian Red Cross Society, National Headquarters (IRCS NHQ) as well as that of the various state branches.S/he will have regular interaction with Movement partners; ICRC & IFRC. Will closely and regularly function with the communications department.
Your responsibilities and main tasks:
- Develop strategies, policies, plans and guiding documents to support IRCS communications activities with the support of the Communications and Resource Mobilisation (CRM) team to manage and enhance the IRCS image
- Define goals and deliverables of IRCS Communication Department
- Develop implementation plans for achieving communications objectives with appropriate tracking and development mechanisms
- Proactively manage and review changes in scope, identify potential crises and devise contingency plans for IRCS communications activities
- Proactively & continuously evaluate effectiveness of communications activities, and assess areas for interventions
- Produce timely updates, quarterly and monthly reports to be submitted to partners and senior management of IRCS
- Provide technical/editorial support, work with IRCS and branch leaders, local-government agencies, community-based organisations and non-government organisations at different levels to create an enabling environment for IRCS Communications activities
- Build and maintain relations with media
- Plan, develop, manage budgets for IRCS communication programmes, projects and activities for effective implementation & identify potential crises with contingency plans and recommend subsequent budget changes
- Liaise with Government at various levels, ICRC, International Federation of the Red Cross (IFRC) and other Red Cross Movement partners, other organisations/agencies specifically with communication teams in partner organisations
Required Qualification & Experience:
- Graduate or post-graduate in any stream with flair for writing articles and stories
- Minimum 7-year experience in a communications role
- Experience of office & project management
- Experience in producing leaflets and posters from design to publishing
- Experience in organising events/meetings on a large scale
- Photography, graphic design and video graphical skills
Personal Profile:
- Ability to work with multiple stakeholders – external and internal
- Financial knowledge and experience
- Should possess excellent analytical skills
- Integrity and high standard of personal conduct
- Oral and written fluency in English and Hindi
- Should possess good skills in PR, public speaking, negotiation & networking
- Should have good contacts with journalist in English & Regional newspapers
- Sound knowledge of managing websites & social media channels – Twitter, Facebook etc.
ICRC is an Equal Opportunity Employer that values and respects the importance of a diverse and inclusive workforce. We recognise that diversity and inclusion is a driving force in the success of our organisation. We offer rewarding and enriching work in a humanitarian and international environment to all job applicants with no discrimination on the grounds of gender, race and disability.
Applications are Closed
Start Date of Contract: As soon as possible, after 20 May 2019
End date of Contract: 31 December 2019
Position open to Indian Nationals Only
Last Date of sending application: 22 April 2019
Only short-listed candidates will be contacted.