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Sh. A N Narayanan, Officer on Special Duty, annarayanan@indianredcross.org is the designated Public Information Officer of the Indian Red Cross Society.

Dr. Vanshree Singh, Director (Blood Centre), 011-23711551, directorbloodbank at indianredcross.org is the designated Appellate Authority of the Indian Red Cross Society.

- Change of Public Information Officer (PIO) of IRCS under RTI Act, 2005
Dated 08 August,.2019

-Representation of Assistants for the Grant of pay to the post of Assistant i.e 18,460/- or Minimum/Entry pay of the post of Assistant i.e 17,140/- w.e.f their date of promotion to the post of Assistant
11 January, 2024

Renewal of Registration under Foreign Contribution (Regulation) Act- Dated 14 Aug 2024

Indian Red Cross Society

National Headquarters

17 items(manuals) prescribed in clause (b) sub-section 1 of Section 4 which every public authority is required to publish within one hundred and twenty days from the enactment of this Act.

  1. Particulars of Indian Red Cross Society organization, functions and duties.

    Constituted under an Act of Indian Legislative council in 1920 it is auxiliary to the state authorities and armed forces medical services as per statutes of the Red Cross Red Crescent Movement.

    When the first World War broke out in 1914, India had no machinery for organizing relief to those affected by the war, except a branch of the St. John Ambulance Association. Following the example of Britain where war relief services were being rendered by a Joint Committee of the British Red Cross, a branch of the same Committee was started to undertake the much needed relief services in collaboration with the St. John Ambulance Association in aid of the soldiers as well as civilian sufferers of the horrors of the war.

    A bill to constitute the Indian Red Cross Society, Independent of the British Red Cross, was introduced in the Indian Legislative Council on 3rd March 1920 by Sir Claud Hill, member of the Viceroy's Executive Council who was also the Chairman of the Joint War Committee in India . The Bill was passed on 17th March 1920 and became Act XV of 1920 with the assent of the Governor General on the 20th March 1920 .

    On the 7th June 1920 , fifty members were formally nominated to constitute the Indian Red Cross Society and the first Managing Body was elected from among them with Sir Malcolm Haily as Chairman.

    Thus, the Indian Red Cross Society was born in 1920.


    The National Headquarters of the Society is located at 1 Red Cross Road , New Delhi. Recognised by the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) on 28th February 1929 , it was affiliated with the International Federation of the Red Cross & Red Crescent Societies (then League) on 7th August 1929 . The President of India is the President of the Society.


    At the national level, the management of affairs of the Society rests with the Managing Body comprising of members elected by the Branch Committee, and members, including a Chairman, nominated by the President of the Society. The Managing Body elects a Vice Chairman from among themselves and appoints with the approval of the President of the Society a Treasurer and a Secretary General. The Secretary General is the Chief Executive.


    There are State/Union Territory/Regional/District and sub district branches numbering over 700 spread all over the country. The branches of the society are autonomous bodies with control over their own finance though they work under the guidance of the National Headquarters on questions relating to general policies and basic principles of the Red Cross. The National Headquarters is the federal focal point among other things for the purposes of (a) the unity of the organization, (b) guidance and assistance towards promotion and expansion of services, (c) co-ordination of inter-state, national and international efforts; (d) dissemination and application of humanitarian laws and fundamental principles of the Red Cross.


    The activities of the Indian Red Cross may be broadly grouped under the following categories:

    - Relief work during floods, famine, earthquake, epidemic etc.
    - Training health visitors, nurses, dais and public health education
    - Cooperation with the St. John Ambulance Association in the training of men and women in First Aid, Home Nursing etc.
    - Running a Home at Bangalore for disabled Ex-servicemen
    - Welfare services in military hospitals
    - Medical after-care of ex-service personnel
    - Maternity & Child Welfare
    - Junior Red Cross
    - Voluntary Blood Donation


    Members of the Red Cross make the backbone of the Organisation. The Indian Red Cross Society has the following grades of members

    Patron; Vice Patron; Life Member; Life Associate; Institutional Member; Annual Member; Annual Associate.

    The membership subscriptions range from Rs.50/- to Rs.25,000/-.

    The Society maintains close liaison with the Government of India especially the Ministries of Defence, Home and External Affairs, while the Ministry of Health is the Nodal Ministry for the Society.

    Indian Red Cross Society
    Governance Structure
  2. Powers and duties of officers and employees.
Secretary General is the Chief Executive Officer. He (She) is assisted by a Joint Secretary, Deputy Secretary(ies), Directors and others in discharge of office work.


As per Rule 4C (1) of the Indian Red Cross Society Act XV of 1920, the Managing Body shall, with the previous approval of the President appoint a Secretary General and a Treasurer of the Society.

The term of office and the conditions of service of the Secretary General and the Treasurer shall be such as the Managing Body may determine by rules made under Section 5.

Provided that the term of office and conditions of service of the Secretary General and the Treasurer may be varied in like manner by the Managing Body.

The age of compulsory retirement of the staff shall ordinarily be sixty, but the Managing Body may, in special circumstances, continue or employ a person beyond that age.

The Secretary General is the Chief Executive of the Indian Red Cross Society, the St. John Ambulance Association and allied Funds and is responsible for the efficient administration of all the activities of these organizations to the Managing Body and the Executive Committee, St. John. The entire staff employed by these organizations is under his general supervision, direction and control and responsible to him for the proper discharge of the respective duties as assigned to them. He is responsible for the initiation of all matters connected with the policy, organization and administration.

Besides the Secretary General the staff at the headquarters shall consist of the following officers who shall perform such duties and exercise such powers as are assigned to them from time to time:-

  • Joint Secretary
  • Deputy Secretary(ies)
  • Director (Personnel & Administration)
  • Director (Dissemination)
  • Director (Finance & Accounts)
  • Director ( St. John Ambulance)
  • Director (Blood Bank)
They will be responsible for the preparation of all cases requiring attention of the Managing Body, Executive Committee, Finance Committee and all other Committees that may be appointed by the Managing Body or the Executive Committee, St. John . They will carry out all other duties allocated to them by the Secretary General from time to time.

Joint Secretary:

As per Rule 5.11(iii) of the IRCS Rules, the appointment of Joint Secretary shall be made by the Secretary General on the recommendation of appropriate Selection Committee to be appointed by Managing Body from time to time. The approval of the Managing Body shall also be taken.
Deputy Secretaries will carry out the duties of the Joint Secretary during latter's absence in accordance with the directions of the Secretary General.

Deputy Secretary:

As per Rule 5.11(iii) of the IRCS Rules, the appointment of Deputy Secretary shall be made by the Secretary General on the recommendation of appropriate Selection Committee to be appointed by Managing Body from time to time. The approval of the Chairman shall also be taken.
The current and savings bank accounts of the Society and its allied funds shall be operated upon jointly by atleast two of the following officers of the Society:
  • Secretary General
  • Joint Secretary
  • Deputy Secretary/Director Incharge of Finance of the Society.

Provided that in case of financial transactions exceeding Rs.10,000/- one of the signatories shall necessarily be the Secretary General.

Director (Dissemination)

As per Rule 5.11(iii) of the IRCS Rules, the appointment of Director (Dissemination) shall be made by the Secretary General on the recommendation of appropriate Selection Committee to be appointed by Managing Body from time to time. The approval of the Chairman shall also be taken.

He will edit Red Cross Journal, Brigade News Letter and other publications which shall be kept up to date, drafts being submitted for approval to the Secretary General.

He will draft the annual reports from material placed in his hands and submit the drafts to the Secretary General. Under instructions from the Secretary General he will deal with all letters concerning publicity at headquarters and will prepare Press Communiqués. He will sign all letters of technical nature concerning publicity, but any correspondence to the international bodies, Red Cross branches and instructions to the Depot other than those of a routine nature should be drafted for the Secretary General's signature.
Director (Personnel & Administration)

As per Rule 5.11(iii) of the IRCS Rules, the appointment of Director (Personnel & Administration) shall be made by the Secretary General on the recommendation of appropriate Selection Committee to be appointed by Managing Body from time to time. The approval of the Chairman shall also be taken.

He will deal with all questions concerning establishment and discipline except those involving new expenditure. Questions of special importance will be referred to the Deputy Secretary or other officers concerned.

He will be responsible for the daily dak which will be opened under his supervision and distributed to the various Sections. He will receive all monies and registered letters and give receipts for the same.

He will be responsible for the maintenance of the office buildings and property and for the upkeep of the vehicles.

He will sanction casual leave to subordinate staff.

He will check fortnightly the Red Cross and St. John Imprest Accounts as well as those of the Stores Officer and the Cinematographer. These accounts are to be written up daily and the vouchers initialed by an officer detailed for the purpose. The Registrar should check contents of the safes fortnightly when he checks the Imprest Accounts.

Director (Finance & Accounts)

As per Rule 5.11(iii) of the IRCS Rules, the appointment of Director (Finance & Accounts) shall be made by the Secretary General on the recommendation of appropriate Selection Committee to be appointed by Managing Body from time to time. The approval of the Chairman shall also be taken.

He will be responsible to the Secretary General and through him to the Honorary Treasurer for maintaining the accounts of all the sections and funds administered from Headquarters. He will see that all income and expenditure is entered daily in the cashbook and that receipts are duly issued. He will keep a watchful eye on the investments and bring any changes in the situation to the notice of the Secretary General.

He will prepare the monthly pay rolls and monthly statement of income and expenditure and will check them before submission to the Secretary General.

He will conduct quarterly inspections of all Depot account and will submit a report thereon. Detailed procedure to be followed for maintenance and supervision of accounts is outlined in Schedule “E” of the Standing Orders.

Director ( St. John Ambulance)

As per Rule 5.11(iii) of the IRCS Rules, the appointment of Director ( St. John ) shall be made by the Secretary General on the recommendation of appropriate Selection Committee to be appointed by Managing Body from time to time. The approval of the Chairman shall also be taken.

He will maintain effective liaison between Headquarters and Brigade Districts by personal contact with the Ambulance and Nursing units through tours under the directions of the Secretary General and will assist the Officer-in-Charge of the Brigade Districts in the development of Brigade activities, especially as regards training camps, Ambulance competitions and recruiting of new Divisions.

He will help in the organization of new Divisions with a view to development of Brigade activities in those States where none exists.

He will watch constantly that the Brigade units maintain their efficiency and that the instructional work of the Association progresses satisfactorily.

He will assist the Secretary General in the disposal of routine correspondence with the Brigade units and Association Centre and carry out any other duties assigned to them by the Secretary General.

From time to time will conduct occasional inspections of the States at the Central Depot and report to the Secretary General any discrepancies that they may discover.

Director (Blood Bank)

As per Rule 5.11(iii) of the IRCS Rules, the appointment of Director Blood Bank shall be made by the Secretary General on the recommendation of appropriate Selection Committee to be appointed by Managing Body from time to time. The approval of the Managing Body shall also be taken.

  1. Procedure followed in the decision making process including channels of supervision and accountability.

    Transaction of work at different levels is carried on in the organization in accordance with the Standing Orders, Act and Rules framed there under as briefly mentioned at 2 above.
  2. Norms set by Society for the discharge of its functions.
    As per IRCS Act, Rules and Standing Orders as briefly mentioned at 2 above
  3. The rules, regulations, instructions, manuals and records, held by Society or under its control or used by its employees for discharging its functions.

    As per IRCS Act, Rules and Standing Orders. Indian Red Cross Society is having its own rules framed by the Managing Body and the decision taken by the Managing Body from time to time. Wherever the rules are silent, guidance is taken from the Central Government rules.
  4. Statement of the categories of documents that are held by society or under its control.
    The documents held by the Society are annual report, annual accounts and budget and decisions taken by its Statutory Committees.
  5. The particulars of any arrangement that exists for consultation with or representation by the members of the public in relation to the formulation of its policy or implementation thereof.

    There is a Managing Body under the chairmanship of the Minister for Health & FW comprising 12 elected members and 6 eminent individual members nominated by the President of India. There are opportunities for the participations of Red Cross members and individuals in its committees.
  6. Boards, councils, committees and other bodies consisting of two or more persons constituted as its part or for the purpose of its advice, and as to whether meeting of those boards, councils, committees and other bodies are open to the public, or the minutes of such meetings are accessible for public.

    General Body, Managing Body and other Statutory Committees. General Body is for delegates as per rules. Minutes of statutory committee meetings are maintained.

  7. Employee List

  8. Monthly remuneration received by officers and employees.



  1. The budget allocated to the Society, plans, expenditures, disbursements made etc.
    Budget is approved by Statutory Committees
  2. Execution of subsidy programmes, including the amounts allocated and details of beneficiaries of such programmes.
    As per budget.
  3. Particulars of recipients of concessions, permits or authorizations granted by the Society.
    Not applicable
  4. Information held by the Society in the electronic form
    All the details are available at the website
  5. Particulars of facilities available to citizens for obtaining information including the working hours of a library or reading room, if maintained for public use.
    At the Facilitation Centre-cum-Reception of the Indian Red Cross Society, National Headquarters, 1- Red Cross Road, New Delhii. The working hours are 09:30 AM to 06:00 PM
  6. The names, designations and other particulars of the Public Information Officer.

    Sh. A N Narayanan, Officer on Special Duty, annarayanan@indianredcross.org is the designated Public Information Officer of the Indian Red Cross Society.

    Dr. Vanshree Singh, Director (Blood Centre), 011-23711551, directorbloodbank at indianredcross.org is the designated Appellate Authority of the Indian Red Cross Society.

  7. Such other information as may be prescribed.

    PG Diploma Course in Disaster Preparedness and Rehabilitation (PGDP&R) started in September 2006 [Closed]



  1. Grant(s) from the Central Government
    Detail for grant 2014-16
  2. Annual Reports
    Cover Pages | NHQ Report | Branch Report

    Cover Pages | NHQ Report | Branch Report
  3. Annual Accounts
    IRCS Annual Accounts 13-14 | IRCS Annual Accounts 14-15 | IRCS Annual Accounts 15-16
  4. St John Ambulance (India).
    Annual Report 15-16 | Annual Accounts 15-16


Annual Accounts 2021-22 | Annual Reports 2021-22
Annual Reports 2020-21 | Annual Accounts 2020-21
Annual Reports 2019-20 | Annual Accounts 2019-20
Annual Report 2018-19 | Annual Accounts 2018-19
Annual Report 2017-18Annual Accounts 2017-18
IRCS Annual Report 2016-17 IRCS Annual Accounts 2016-17